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🎁$12,802 of Team Bonuses Revealed In:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

✅ No Selling or Recruiting!
✅ Simple STEP by STEP Video Training!
✅ ANYBODY Can Do This!

FREE! Do You Want to Fire Your Boss Using Bitcoin?

Step 2: Fill Out the Form to Start Your Free Bootcamp
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Does the Micro Profit System Bootcamp Really Work?

Here are a handful of our dedicated students who take this seriously...
(Results are not typical or guaranteed, your results will be your own)

🎁Team Stella Bonuses🎁

BONUS #1. My $10K Funnel ($9,997 Value)

Do you want THIS exact funnel to be able to build your list and make money in your online business? I will BUILD this funnel for you when you decide to get started today. I will build all the pages and connect everything, even SET UP 30 of my own hand written emails to follow up with your leads.

BONUS #2. Personal Coaching/Access ($997 Value)

You will get my personal phone number and email so you can reach out to me at anytime to help you with your marketing or your sales. I have been in the internet marketing industry for over 9 years and have learned how to do almost everything. So if you need help with email marketing, capture pages, phone closing, Facebook marketing, Instagram Marketing, ect... You name it I can help you, if you give me a call.

BONUS #3. Personal Traffic Rolodex ($497 Value)

Do you want to know the BEST places to buy clicks and traffic? Great news! I have tested all the vendors and solo ad sellers, and after months of testing I finally found the top 3 traffic sources that convert the highest and perform consistently with MMO and affiliate offers. This is my own product sold for $497, yours today 100% FREE!

BONUS #4. Email Marketing Deliverability Training ($47 Value)

The most valuable part of your business is email deliverability. In this quick video training I will show you how to increase email marketing deliverability rates so your leads see your emails more. Rather than your marketing efforts going to spam or the Promotions Tab. Simply by having your emails successfully send, you can double your income instantly if you are already failing at proper email marketing.

BONUS #5. My Personal Email Follow Up Series ($497 Value)

It's a PAIN IN THE ASS to spend hours typing out high converting emails or even copy and pasting them, it still takes ages. What if you could import ALL MY EMAILS into YOUR autoresponder with ONE CLICK, saving you months of copywriting? Now when you get your funnel set up, I will give you my aweber sharecode so you will instantly have my ENTIRE follow up series. This follow up is over 100 days so far and I am adding to it weekly.

BONUS #6. Make a High Converting Capture Pages ($47 Value)

Stop making weird capture pages that are ugly and make no sense. Stop using your companies saturated page. In this quick training I will share with you exactly how to make a high converting capture page (using my #1 funnel builder)

BONUS #7. Recruit on Demand Script ($297 Value)

Not sure what to say when someone calls you on the phone or you call them for an appointment? I will give you "hands-down" the most simple, yet powerful, phone script where you will master recruiting WITHOUT being salesy or pushy. This is based on leadership and coaching approach rather than sales and scarcity driven. So you are building peoples dreams and making their dreams obtainable.

BONUS #8. Done-for-You Bridge Page Template ($297 Value)

Not sure what to put in your bridge video? I will give you my exact bridge page template that you can literally just copy and paste. After you edit the little details you can record a slideshow video of your story and position yourself as an expert marketer.

BONUS #9. Top 11 Video Ideas to Generate Leads ($29 Value)

Need help coming up with profitable video ideas to generate consistent leads and sales? Get my 11 favorite video marketing ideas that you can use to flood you website with free YouTube Traffic. These videos do great on Facebook too but I prefer YouTube.

BONUS #10. Proven 6-Figure Marketing Checklist ($97 Value)

Get my step by step proven marketing blueprint to help you get your income producing activities done faster, so you can make more money without being a slave to your business. Use this checklist to reduce the amount of time you spend in your business and increase your measurable results immediately.

Who Created iCoinPro and the Micro Profit System?

Justin Clark

Co-founder and Creator of the Micro Profit System:

Justin Clark, co-founder of iCoinPRO, is the visionary behind the creation of the Micro Profit System. This innovative system has revolutionized cryptocurrency trading, empowering numerous individuals to maximize their profits. Justin's expertise lies in designing advanced software tools, including the renowned Tradefinder, which forms an integral part of iCoinPRO’s comprehensive product suite. With a keen eye for market trends and a deep understanding of trading strategies, Justin has played a pivotal role in developing tools that empower users to make informed and profitable trading decisions.

Paul De Sousa

Co-founder and Director of Education:

Paul De Sousa plays a crucial role as a co-founder and director of education at iCoinPRO. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Paul ensures individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of the various cryptocurrency technologies and the underlying purpose of iCoinPRO's existence. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge and expertise, Paul is dedicated to empowering others with the essential education needed to navigate the dynamic world of crypto successfully. As the former CEO, he brings invaluable insights and strategic guidance to the company.

Paul actively contributes to various aspects of the business, including marketing endeavours, and training initiatives.

Together, Paul De Sousa and Justin Clark bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and unwavering dedication to iCoinPRO. Through their collaborative efforts and complementary skill sets, they have shaped the trajectory of the company and propelled it to new heights of success. By embracing a hands-on approach and making informed decisions as a team, they underscore iCoinPRO's commitment to remaining at the forefront of the industry. This dynamic partnership ensures that iCoinPRO continues to deliver innovative solutions and opportunities to its members.

F.A.Q - Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Can I Expect to Earn With the Bootcamp?

There is NO guarantee of income 

This is a education on HOW to trade and transact in the cryptocurrency world. You will NOT send money to anyone but rather trade your own money and keep control 100% of the time. We can not guarantee any income or wins. But we can guarantee that we have built a simple system that anyone can follow if you are coachable.

How Much Capital Do I Need to Start?


The bootcamp is free and you do not need to send us money as capital. We do NOT trade for you. You NEVER send us money and you can tade with as LITTLE as you can afford to start with.

We even have a bonus training area where we teach you how to practice trade so you can apply the bootcamp without paying any money. When you feel confident with your skills, start to use $200 for your trading and make small profits to build up your capital.


If you wish to get more than the bootcamp, then the cost will be $98.95 + 39.95/m

So this is a $40/m education on how to trade. after the free bootcamp.

Does that makes sense?

We do NOT ask for capital or funds. We TEACH you how to trade your own money in the markets and its all your responsibilty.

Please call or email us if you need more clarification.

Will I Make 1% Daily?


You want to make sure you stay away from programs that offer guaranteed daily, weekly or monthly returns.

The Micro Profit System will help you make small trades that earn 1% 2% 3% 4% and maybe a little more.

Over the course of a year, the gains add up and compound as you use your wins for the next trade and so on.

Can You Trade For Me?


We will never trade for you becasue we are a legit and legal education platform. We never take capital to trade. We only TEACH how to use crypto and trade bitcoin successfully.

Never let someone trade for you. It is often times a scam and you will be spoon fed lies about when your funds are available. Blah blah blah...

If you dont take action on the free bootcamp, thats awesome. JUST DONT GET SCAMMED by these fake traders wanting to trade for you.

Avoid it!

Your Welcome

How Long Has iCP Been Around

6 Years

Justin Clark develped the MPS years ago, and its STILL a winning in the markets though all the crazy ups and downs.

iCoinPro has years of track record and has always followed FTC regulations.

Anything in the Bitcoin niche, is audited HARD by the government. iCoinPro has been clean and standing the whole time!

We are here for the people.

What If I'm New to Day Trading?


We actually WANT newbies to come in becasue our bootcamp is so simple and straight to the point that we want to BLOW YOUR MIND as to how simple it is to trade successfully.

New people are the core and foundation of iCP and we focus on making sure the platform is helping the average newbie.

So many people have gone from knowing NOTHING to now being full time traders.

You can do this too!

Do I Have to Stare at Charts ALL Day?


The WORST part about trading is having to watch the charts, right?

Well in the free bootcamp, Justin Clark walks you though, exactly how to set up trade ALERTS on your phone.

So that way you can look at the market for 20 minutes, set up some alerts and youre done.

Later in the day you will get the alerts and can execute your trade anywhere in the world. Or while with your family.

We show you how to make this more PASSIVE so you can enjoy your life becasue FREEDOM is the goal. Not reading charts for hours.

You will also have amazing tools as a member that find the best trades for you.

How Long is the Training?

40-50 Minutes

You will watch 8 videos... that are 5 minutes long each. Thats IT!

Youre going to LOVE the Bootcamp

Can I Get Started for FREE?


You can get started 100% for free and then decide if you want to become a member later on. We even teach you how to start practice trading so you can APPLY the bootcamp and get experience.

Does iCoinPro offer Any Tools?


In the fast-paced and dynamic world of cryptocurrency trading, having the right tools and features can make all the difference between success and missed opportunities. iCoinPRO, a leading platform in the crypto industry, has developed a suite of revolutionary tools and features designed to empower traders of all levels and unlock the full potential of the crypto market. Let's explore some key tools and benefits that make iCoinPRO a game-changer in the trading arena.

1. iCoinPRO Tradefinder:

At the heart of iCoinPRO's arsenal is the powerful Tradefinder tool. This cutting-edge software scans the crypto market, analyzing data and identifying potential trading opportunities in real-time. With its intuitive interface and advanced algorithms, the Tradefinder provides traders valuable insights, trend analysis, and trade signals. By leveraging the power of the Tradefinder, iCoinPRO members can make informed decisions, optimize their trading strategies, and capitalize on profitable opportunities.

2. Pro Trading Portal:

The iCoioPro Trading Portal takes crypto trading to the next level by providing a comprehensive and user-friendly platform. Packed with advanced features, charting tools, and customizable indicators, the Pro Trading Portal will offer a seamless trading experience. Traders can access real-time market data, track portfolios, and stay updated on market news and trends. Version 2 of the Pro Trading Portal promises API integration to execute trades on your favorite exchanges without ever leaving the comfort of the Pro Trading Portal.

Whether a beginner or an experienced trader, the Pro Trading Portal equips you with the tools to navigate the crypto market confidently.

3. Educational Resources:

iCoinPRO understands that knowledge is power in the crypto trading world. That's why the platform provides many educational resources to empower traders with the necessary skills and insights. From beginner-friendly guides to in-depth tutorials and webinars, iCoinPRO offers a comprehensive academic library. Traders can learn about the fundamentals, introduction to technical analysis and indicators, risk management, and other essential trading concepts. By enhancing their knowledge base, traders can make informed decisions and build successful trading strategies.

4. Community Support:

One of the unique features of iCoinPRO is its vibrant and supportive community. Through their forums, chatbox, and social media platforms, iCoinPRO members can connect with fellow traders, share insights, ask questions, and receive support. The sense of community fosters collaboration, mentorship, and collective growth. Traders can benefit from the experiences and perspectives of others, gaining valuable insights and staying updated on market trends.

5. Ongoing Updates and Enhancements:

iCoinPRO is committed to staying at the forefront of the crypto industry, so the platform regularly updates and enhances its tools and features. The team behind iCoinPRO continuously monitors market trends, incorporates user feedback, and implements improvements to ensure that traders can access the latest advancements in the field. By keeping pace with the evolving crypto landscape, iCoinPRO ensures its members have a competitive edge in their trading endeavors.


iCoinPRO's suite of tools and features empowers traders to navigate the crypto market with confidence and precision. The Tradefinder, Pro Trading Portal, educational resources, community support, and ongoing updates form a comprehensive ecosystem that caters to the needs of both novice and experienced traders. With iCoinPRO by their side, traders can harness the potential of cryptocurrencies and unlock new opportunities for financial growth. Whether you are just starting your trading journey or looking to level up your skills, iCoinPRO's tools and features are your gateways to success in the exciting world of crypto trading.

Who Are the Owners?

Justin Clark and Paul De Sousa

Justin Clark - Co-founder and Creator of the Micro Profit System:

Justin Clark, co-founder of iCoinPRO, is the visionary behind the creation of the Micro Profit System. This innovative system has revolutionized cryptocurrency trading, empowering numerous individuals to maximize their profits. Justin's expertise lies in designing advanced software tools, including the renowned Tradefinder, which forms an integral part of iCoinPRO’s comprehensive product suite. With a keen eye for market trends and a deep understanding of trading strategies, Justin has played a pivotal role in developing tools that empower users to make informed and profitable trading decisions.

Paul De Sousa - Co-founder and Director of Education:

Paul De Sousa plays a crucial role as a co-founder and director of education at iCoinPRO. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Paul ensures individuals gain a comprehensive understanding of the various cryptocurrency technologies and the underlying purpose of iCoinPRO's existence. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge and expertise, Paul is dedicated to empowering others with the essential education needed to navigate the dynamic world of crypto successfully. As the former CEO, he brings invaluable insights and strategic guidance to the company.

Paul actively contributes to various aspects of the business, including marketing endeavours, and training initiatives.

Together, Paul De Sousa and Justin Clark bring a wealth of knowledge, experience, and unwavering dedication to iCoinPRO. Through their collaborative efforts and complementary skill sets, they have shaped the trajectory of the company and propelled it to new heights of success. By embracing a hands-on approach and making informed decisions as a team, they underscore iCoinPRO's commitment to remaining at the forefront of the industry. This dynamic partnership ensures that iCoinPRO continues to deliver innovative solutions and opportunities to its members.

Ready to Start the Bootcamp?

Fill Out the Form to Start Your Free Bootcamp Right Now

Sponsor: Stella Okure

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Trading Results Disclaimer: "The training course and its trainers provide an informational service only and are not responsible for any investments made applying this information. The results described are not typical and are not guarantees of future income. Any investment contains risk and is 100% the responsibility of the investor to assess the risks/rewards involved. It is possible to lose some or all of your investment. We assume no liability assumed or implied for your application of the information shared from the training programs."

Earnings and Income Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. The testimonials above are from Affiliates. They were not paid to endorse the company, but do earn compensation from selling the product to customers and also new affiliates who choose to sell the product as well on their teams. How cool is that!!

Trading Disclaimer: "iCoinPro, The iCoinPro Trade Finder and its trainers provide an informational service only and are not responsible for any investments made applying this information. The results described are not typical and are not guarantees of future income. Any investment contains risk and is 100% the responsibility of the investor to assess the risks/rewards involved. It is possible to lose some or all of your investment. We assume no liability assumed or implied for your application of the information shared from the training programs."

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